Brokenness is incendiary. It has the potential to light you on fire for God. When you come to grips with the depths of who you are and offer those difficult dark places to God he ignites you for him.
The ongoing cycle of spiritual growth will include periods of dryness, emptiness, and perceived distance from God. They are all designed for your benefit.
When I would ask my father questions about the bible or theology, he would never give me a straight answer. He would maybe give a couple of thoughts, point out a verse or two, and then leave it at that...
"Abba Longinus said that just as a corpse does not feel anything or judge anyone, so the man who is humble of mind cannot judge anyone, even if he should see him worshipping idols."
God is funny isn’t he? It seems as though following Him is a constant test of adaptability. A good friend of mine sent me a reminder recently, “Remember the forgotten proverb: Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.” In my life that seems to prove true time and time again.
They slapped Him, buffeted Him, mocked Him, nailed Him to the Cross, gave Him vinegar with gall to drink, and pierced His side. He endured all of this for our salvation, and yet we cannot endure a small insult for His sake?
The toothpaste cap began to convince me that I really did not have everything together, and if my life was going to improve, it was going to take consistent work.
As those who are united with God are joined together with his Spirit, there is a beautiful harmony in the way life is shared in this metaphor. The vine exists to nourish, feed, and grow the branches, the branches exist to bear the fruit of the vine. is one thing to have a ready tongue and elegant language, and quite gaze with the pure eye of the soul on profound and hidden mysteries.
Throughout life, there are a number of significant decisions you will make that will take part in shaping your future. These moments have the potential to alter your entire trajectory.